Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Infusion Day #2

January 24, 2012

Went in for the second infusion today.  Super easy once again - intake, blood test, meeting with Oncologist and then about a 5 minute wait to be given our room in Infusion Suite D.  We chose an outer room with a window and sunlight pouring in.  Here's a video from the end of  the day at the Center.

Blood was great, all the cell counts had risen and were great numbers.  The tumor is changing - it feels thinner, and not as swollen.  Dr. Crew felt there was good movement for the first 3 weeks and we are all encouraged.  It's the evening now.  I feel great, no nausea.  We'll see what happens this week with the lowered dosage of Decadron- the steroid (went from 20mg to 10mg).  The Taxetere is still at 3x  - it will go down next infusion - making the entire infusion time 2.5 hours for the next 4 infusions (today the actual infusion took 4 hours).  We kept the Benadryl at the same level of 25mg.  I realized that next time we should do a little tour of the entire suite, not just me sitting on the chair - which we figured out to totally incline this time. There seems to be a bit of learning curve, but it's starting to feel like a routine.

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