Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Week 1 Overview

January 10, 2012

I got an email from my sister today wondering why I hadn't written anything since I sent out the blog - 3 days ago!!  I plan on doing weekly follow-ups so if I don't write anything between these it just means nothing has happened. 

Week 1 on chemotherapy.  
 I had no idea what to expect, everyone had differing stories - but no one I know personally chose the TCH once every 3 weeks therapy - so I went to the internet and followed other people's stories and questions.  Tuesday was the infusion and afterwards I was very drowsy and slept most of Tuesday afternoon/evening.  This could have been because of the Benadryl, it also could have been jet lag from just returning from Hawaii.  Having slept for 3 hours Sunday night on the plane and then tossed and turned for 5 hours Monday night in anticipation of the unknown of therapy.

Wednesday I felt pretty good, had my usual morning juice drink and headed off to Manhattan to meet Jeni to rendezvous about 2012 id stuff followed by my last visit to my therapist Diana.  (Last visit for therapy - I plan on going back for healings, etc.  Diana and I have been together on and off since 1988 when I first started to attend her channeling classes - I graduated from her Open Heart Channeling School in 1995.)  On my way home that evening I started to feel queasy and had to put my kindle away.  When I got home all I could think of was drinking one of the Ginger Soothers (a ginger/lemon drink that Simon found for me). Ahhh.  That helped a lot. 

Thursday morning I got up and just felt off.  My stomach was rumbling and nothing sounded good.  Mention of food gave me a little gag reflex.  I tried some nuts and immediately felt better.  I went into Manhattan to work with Julia - a middle schooler I've been working with on her highschool auditions, she had a call back for PPAS and I went in to work with her for one more time before the call back.  During the session I felt great, but I was really focused and we were jumping around and doing improvs - my mind was off my stomach.  On the way home though I felt very queasy - never to the point of throwing up, but enough to make it very uncomfortable.  Simon made miso soup that night - it was delicious and the broth was exactly what I needed.

Friday morning again felt a little off.  I realized I needed to figure out food and schedule it on a regular basis - every 2 to three hours, small meals, so I never got to the point of nausea.  That evening I still felt funny and laid my righteousness aside.  I went and got pizza and beer.  After a slice and a beer I felt fine.  I've since gone back to my no gluten/dairy/nightshade/acidic food diet, but that pizza and beer worked like a charm.

Saturday I felt great.  I had earlier begged off on going to take care of Noa - Jeni's beautiful daughter I have been helping with since last January - I guess I could have gone into Manhattan, but the idea of a subway ride was beyond me - so I was glad I had cancelled.

The rest of the weekend was uneventful.  Spending time working and reading scripts.  On the nauseous days I couldn't read scripts.  Especially not on my kindle fire - the page turning was making me dizzy!!

So - if the rest of the five infusion weeks are like this one - as long as I manage my food intake and have plenty of ginger products about - I should be fine.

Oh did I mention my travel bands (sea bands).  I've been wearing them and I think they are a huge part of why I wasn't more nauseous.

postscript - I also have discovered the most amazing dessert.  I know I'm not supposed to have much sugar - but this is fantastic.  No dairy - no soy.  Purely Decadent (that's what it's called) made with Coconut Milk - Passionate Mango.  Organic Coconut milk, organic agave syrup, chicory root extract, mango puree, passionfruit juice concentrate, carob bean gum, guar gum and natural mango flavor.  Made by Turtle Mountain in Eugene, Oregon.  Wow!! 


  1. Thanks for letting us know how chemo went. Sounds like you have a great team at the home front. Nice to hear about your new friend Ginger.
    You are getting skinnier. You look great!

    1. Thanks Ei! My new friend Ginger goes everywhere with me!

  2. Here's a similar recipe for a dessert - maybe you can substitute the soy for some other filler:

    Puree these in a blender, medium heat in pan for 5min, then chill for 45 min:

    6oz mashed banana
    3oz sliced peaches
    3oz tofu (or something else? for thickness)
    4oz barley malt
    6oz peach juice
    1/2 oz carob powder
    1 t vanilla
    3heaping t ener-g egg replacer
    pinch of cinnamon

    1. I can have tofu since it's been fermented!! Fermented soy is cool - just not any other kind. Too bad, I do love edamame! I'll have to give this a try- Thanks Rick. Love you!

  3. I loved the video. From a Chinese medical perspective, ginger helps to "point" the Chi/Qi outward, so it is great for moving toxins out of the body through the pores. A hot bath with fresh ginger slices in it, or a mug of hot water with a ginger slice or two also helps in the same way.


