Thursday, January 19, 2012

Hair, Grow It, Show It!

January 19,2012

This video doesn't have the greatest quality for some reason, but you can see what it's like to be losing your hair on chemo.  My doctors said it would start to thin around the 3rd week, but I didn't know what that meant.  I would say it's a little more intense than "starting to thin".  Fallon thinks the hair coming out looks like people pulling their memories out for the pensieve in Harry Potter.  All I can think of was Hedda Gabler!

1 comment:

  1. That sucks!
    From caterpillar to butterfly, we are watching your transformation.
    Simon has really been hanging in there with you.What a great guy. Looks like seeing your pain close up through the camera lens was too painful for him, hence the cut aways to Fallon.
    So She, what do you envision? will you be a multi-coloured, stark, vivid, striking or soft pastel butterfly?
    I am seeing maybe a stark, striking outline and soft pastel colors.
