Wednesday, February 1, 2012

One Hell of a Week

February 1, 2012

I was able to manage my nausea during the week - ate every 2 hours - didn't go in any moving vehicles (except an express bus to downtown Brooklyn last Thursday).  BUT, here's the thing.  The uneasy stomach and feeling on the edge lasted for far more than the 3 days it lasted after Infusion Day #1.  Last night was my first full sleep since last Monday and today I woke up feeling pretty good.  Well enough to go out and walk in Prospect Park on this gloriously warm day.  Soooo, I haven't thrown up and I can still eat and taste everything - although when I'm not eating my mouth does taste slightly metallic.  Oh, I shaved my head!!  Actually Simon and Fallon did - we have video but we need to winnow it down before I put it up here, but I will do that soon.  In the meantime, here's a lovely photo that Simon took while I was sleeping at the infusion center last week.

1 comment:

  1. So glad you have such a beautiful shaped head. Sounds a little star trekky to me, looking forward to seeing the newly sculpted you.
