Friday, March 23, 2012

Eating and Fasting!

May 23rd 2012

It's Spring and that gets me excited about gardening which gets me excited about growing and EATING food.

Last Friday I had lunch with my dear friend Maureen and afterward we walked over to our community garden and she gave me a bunch of stuff she had wintered over.  I walked away with tons of kale, sorrel, onions and garlic.  Encouraged, I came home and pulled out some carrots and arugula - and instead of being discouraged that my brussel sprouts never sprouted, I pulled the plant and the leaves taste like broccoli - delicious.

I've started watching The Chew on Channel 7 cause all they do is cook food.  They had a great early spring recipe that I decided to change slightly and try.  Here's the video of the food from my house (with 2 fresh eggs I pulled from the chicken coop) and the video of what I cooked with an explanation of what's in it.

 Carrots, arugula, and brussel sprout - with eggs.

I placed the onion and garlic in a sauce pan with olive oil and let it sautee then added the the carrots, kale, brussel sprout leaves and sorrel with some tumeric.  I dashed in a little white wine and let it simmer for about 5 minutes.  I then added some grilled chicken from my dinner the night before with some tumeric over all of it and let it simmer for about another 3 minutes.  Pulled it out, drizzled some more olive oil and sprinkled it all with parsley I dried this fall/winter.

I've also been juicing ALOT.  In the mornings I have a fresh organic juice drink which I wrote about in the last blog - but in the afternoon I have a veggie drink.  Usually start with a couple of apples and about an inch of ginger, then juice about 6 carrots (no need to skin anything) - today I added 4 leaves of collards, about 5 handfuls of Kale, a few leaves of sorrel (they are a little bitter) and the rest of my arugula - about 2 handfuls.  That made a pint of juice!  And it was delicious!

On another note, my friends Chad and Gretchen told me about a study they had read about fasting for 48 hours before chemotherapy can get rid of any side effects.  I decided to look it up  -and so far they haven't done any human studies - but it certainly works on mice.  The idea is the starvation causes the healthy cells to protect themselves but the cancer cells leave themselves vulnerable, so the chemotherapy becomes targeted instead of just randomly destroying all cells - cancerous AND healthy.  I have my next infusion this coming Tuesday and figured it wouldn't hurt to try the 48 hour fast beforehand.  I'll let you know how it ends up!!

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