Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Playing Catch Up

Okay, So it's been a couple of months since my last post.  I have some video I'm going to put up of past infusions.  But I"ll give you a quick overview here as well.  5th infusion went pretty well.  Some friends suggested fasting before the infusion which I tried and would NEVER RECOMMEND to anyone.  Ok it  could just have been that since this was number five everyhing was finally catching up with me but I felt sick from day 1 and normally the chemo took 24 to 36 hours to catch up with me.

Then I got highly depressed.  I started to wonder why I was working so diligently  to keep myself nourished with organic foods and high alkilines  when I was willingly walking into a center to be poisoned every 3 weeks.  I figured what's the point, right.  I had a couple of melt downs in which poor Simon became the target of my anger "Why can't you support me? nobody is listening to me" That sort of tirade.  Simon - rock that he is - took it all in stride, assured me that he loved me and that he will support any decisions I make.

I eventually pulled out of the funk. I've been surrounded by so much love it was hard to stay there for long.  My dear friend Sandy came by almost every weekend to go for walks and bring food for my fridge.  My siblings sent me hats, scarves, shirts, a teddy bear (healing bear which I"ll talk more about in a post surgery blog!, tinctures, jewelry, alternative therapies, healing stones, etc.  My mother-in-law, Viv, sent me a box of scarves and hats and a ton of organic veggies and fruits. And many friends have and still send me positive notex, letters, emails, call me etc.  So, I will now start posting past videos and get you all caught up.
