Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Infusion #4

March 14, 2012

Wow!  Somehow time is getting away from me.  I keep thinking that I need to write a blog and then suddenly its' a week later!  Infusion #4 was actually really easy.  I knew the oncologist was not going to be there, so I met with her RN who was GREAT!  Why can't Doctors learn how to relate to people the way so many others in the medical environment can.  We discussed the steroid intake and agreed to lower it again to 8mg. (I started at 25mg).  She told me how my weight changed the carboplatin dosing - something no one had ever told me before.  My weight was down to 183.  That is 42 pounds lost since November, all from diet change.  I'm feeling much healthier and am eating better than I ever have.  If it wasn't for this pesky chemotherapy I would be great.  Still taking about 6oz. of the essiac tea daily.  I have fresh juice every morning with Dr. Schulze's Super Food Plus - amazing, it has all my essential vitamins as well as 3 kinds of algae, 3 kinds of grass, seaweed, spinach and some roots and fruit peels.  I feel great after consuming it. This past week was much easier than any of the other infusion weeks - I had a little acid reflux on a couple of days but never the stomach rolling queasy nausea.  Before, I stayed in bed on the Thursday after - this week I was able to get out of bed - even spent a couple of hours in the sun in the backyard.  Yes!  You read right - SUN!  It is warm and sunny here in NYC.  We've been getting little spurts of rain, but nothing major.  The daffodils and hyacinth are in full bloom, my lilac has HUGE buds just waiting to burst and the quince is almost finished with it's bloom.  I too feel a bit of rejuvenation and new spring in my step.  Only two more chemo infusions to go.  Of course the herceptin infusions last throughout the year - but they are much easier although still a heart risk drug.

In early April I'm to meet with the surgeon again, have another MRI to make sure nothing has spread and schedule surgery for early May.  I leave for Idaho in early June for the Playwrights Conference and my family is having a little gathering in the town in Idaho my great grandparents on my Mom's side settled in.

Simon comes home for the weekend and I'll have to get him to take some photos of me in all my hats that my beautiful siblings have been sending me.

So, I'm hanging in and if time doesn't get the better of me - I will report back soon. 

Love and thanks to all of you!!


  1. So glad the impact of the chemo is lessening. 1/2 the way to a slim and knock-out gorgeous new you!

  2. Sheila. It is great to see that the infusions are getting more tolerable. I'm sure just getting outside makes it a little easier on you. Always thinking about you.

    Mark and Ian
