Thursday, October 20, 2011


I discovered a hard mass in my left breast early this September. My chiropractor was lightly massaging my chest - which helps to stimulate your lymph nodes and clean out your system - when she noticed some hardness. We found that this hardness ran from my chest almost down to my nipple creating a sort of shelf on my breast. I had been feeling a little soreness in my breast and often felt a tightening similar to my breasts filling with milk when I was nursing my daughter (14 years ago!) We agreed I would stop drinking my daily decaf right now (bye bye Starbucks, sniff) When I got home my first step was my all natural go-to book on health Prescription for Cooking & Dietary Wellness by Phyllis and James Balch. They recommend eliminating dairy and wheat which I immediately did. (no more coffee which was my only source of milk anyway - but the cheese is hard, I LOVE me some cheese). They also recommended a Poke Root poultice on the breast. Searching for Poke Root took me to the website searches. I found a lot about Poke Root and it's use to aid in clearing the lymphatic system, many sites claimed it would also relieve sore breasts. (Picture of poke root left).
The other natural remedy I discovered both in the book and on the website was Reishi mushrooms. Sites claim that reishi can possibly boost your immune system, fight cancer, ward off heart disease, calm your nerves and relieve both allergies and inflammation.
(reishi mushroom photo left) I then found Red Moon Herbs - a lovely online herb boutique - founded by Corinna Wood that shared my life philosophy and had the natural remedies I was searching for at good prices (I don't get anything from this company for recommending them, I just think they are great!) My remedies arrived quickly and in good shape. I took them to my chiropractor - she tested the remedies on me and said yes, they definitely would help, take 10 drops of the poke root for two weeks and 50 of the reishi daily. Poke root is very toxic and must be taken carefully! I have since seen my primary physician to get prescriptions for a mammogram. In the meantime I have started to eat microbiotic, continue to meditate and added self healing visualizations, see an energy healer twice monthly (she's also my therapist), take hot showers and rub rescue remedy and tiger balm into my breast daily. We'll see!

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